Thursday, July 14, 2016

Fun Games and Playoff Finale

Congratulations to On Sundays We Wear Pink and Ball of Duty on making it to the final round in the playoffs!  This will surely be a battle of the colors as the fate of the entire season sits on this final game.  WHO WILL BE VICTORIOUS?  Who will be left to wallow in shame...or in alcohol?  Who knows!

Before we talk about that lets get the fun stuff out of the way and save the boring stuff for those who need it later:

FUN GAMES TOURNAMENT!  You paid for 10 weeks of kickball and you're going to GET 10 weeks of kickball!  We have a separate bracket for all of us less fortunate souls who weren't able to make it to the final.  If you want to come out and have some fun and get your drink on then join us.  If you don't have enough people to form a team but some of you and your friends still want to come out, we'll create new teams and make up our own rules!  All for fun, like kickball is meant to be played!  These games will be at 4pm, and 6pm (possibly one at 5pm but I'd like to watch the finals game).

Here are the details on this final game:
Backwards base running redux - 3rd base is now 1st base, 2nd base is still 2nd base, and 1st base is third base. All runners must run clockwise around the bases.  If a runner runs counter-clockwise to start, they must run back to home plate before they can advance back the correct way.

BUNTING IS ALLOWED.  Pitching to the other team is happening.  In regards to pitching:  It was said before but I'll say it again just as a friendly reminder:
No "hard pitching."   Guidelines for how these will be treated by referee's:

1) On first "hard pitch" called by head ump it will be called a no-pitch.  Giving the pitcher AND the kicker another attempt at the ball.  Since its 2 pitch if it happens on the first kick they get to start over with 2 fresh pitches.  If it's the 2nd it's just a repeat of the 2nd pitch. First time comes with a warning and the aforementioned solution.

2)  If the pitching continues with "hard pitching" then treat it like a "ball" on the first attempt and a walk on the next attempt after that.

3) "Nominal pitches" are straight forward "bowling" rolls that move towards the plate at a fair & moderate pace.  No speed balls, and no overhead bouncy balls.
 No intentional walks will be allowed either.

Alright kittens, thanks for reading and have a great rest of the week.  See you Sunday!


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Playoffs and YOU!

Welcome to the return of playoffs!  Two more weeks of games and drinking before our own EOS gathering and the Regional Bon Voyage EOS party!  Again congratulations to On Sundays We Wear Pink for getting the most coveted title in Celebrity of Social Champs!

Hope everyone had a great Independence Day weekend with lots of fireworks and grilling followed by drinkies and possible debauchery!  That being said it's time to get to the meat of this blog post!  PLAYOFFS!

We all know the general guidelines but here are the highlights for this week:

We have a comeback rule this week -
Return of Dodgeball - Any fielders may safely throw the ball at a runner to tag them out per usual. However,  if the fielder attempts to peg the runner and the runner can safely catches the ball, the runner is safe at the intended base. The fielder who attempted to tag the runner must take the bench for the remainder of the inning and the defense plays down one player. When the ball is caught by a runner, the play ends. The runner must catch and maintain control of the ball, otherwise they are out. Balls may only be thrown at the runner for this rule to apply, and not kicked by the next kicker. Runners may not catch the ball after they have safely reached the base.

Also there is NO BUNTING this week as usual for odd weeks so teams will be pitching to themselves.  A bunt for our league purposes is "A full extension of the leg with the intended effect being to propel the ball forward at a fair and reasonable distance."  A bunt on any pitch will be considered a FOUL for the purposes of tracking pitches.   Normal TWO-PITCH rule applies.  Since it's self-pitch this week the second pitch MUST be put into play or it is an out.  No walks, no free bases.  Outside of that the bunting rule will be at the referee's discretion following the simple guidelines that have been set.  Any questions or concerns please email or Facebook me!

THIS SEASON WE WILL HAVE A NEW FUN GAMES BRACKET for those of you who don't make it to the championship round.  This will happen on week 10 (July 17th) @ 4pm-Semi's & 6pm-Final.  The Celebrity Championship will be @ 5pm  (July 17th).  I will attach a bracket so you have an idea of what it will look like.

Schedule as of now.

Playoff Bracket as of now.

Cheers and See you Sunday!