Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Week 3 - THEME WEEK!

The theme is:  TEAM
It can be any team - NFL for the season, another sport, not a sport at all.  However, coming as your kickball team does not count as participation.  Get creative!

Points up for grabs:
Top 3 teams:  3 points
Participation:  1 points
No participation:  0 points

Friday, September 26, 2014

Week 2 Wacky Rules

Pitching:  Two-pitch from the other team
You get two pitches only.  The first is a freebie.  If you kick it into play it is a live ball.  If you foul it off or let it go by you (be it ball or strike) you get another pitch.  On the SECOND pitch - this one counts no matter what.  
A foul = an out
A ball = a walk (intentional walks are not allowed)
A strike = an out
In play = game on
*Taking a walk is not illegal, but we discourage taking walks here.  Let's put it into play!

Bunting:  Nope, don't do it!

Fielding rule: Dodgeball - if you attempt peg the runner and they catch it, they are safe and you are out for the rest of that inning

The winner of Rock-Paper-Scissors will get a bonus point in the standings

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Preseason points winners!

Congrats to Optikicks Prime, Bastards and Orange is the New Wiggity Wiggity Wack! They were the first 3 teams to reach status and earn a preseason point!