Thursday, June 25, 2015

Week 9 Rules - UPDATED!

Remember - field points are worth double this week! Two pitch

NO bunting

Gambling: If you make it safely to a base you can gamble by playing Rock Paper Scissors against the baseman. If you win, you move on to the next base. If you lose, you are out. You can only begin to gamble at the first base you stop on. If you get safely to 1st base but stop there, that's where your gamble must begin. If you kick a double you can start at 2nd, a triple can start at 3rd. You cannot decide to start it on 2nd or 3rd IF you stopped on first base and did not initiate it there. Basically only the active kicker can initiate a gambleYou can continue to gamble for as long as you want - until you score or you are out, but it must begin on the first base stopped at. 
If you have runners on the base(s) directly in front of you, they will move forward as well but only when they are directly in front of you in a force situation.
1st Ex:  You get to 1st base and there is a runner on 2nd.  You gamble and win, both runners move forward a base.  
2nd Ex:  You get to 1st base and there is no runner on 2nd but there is a runner on 3rd.  You gamble and win, only you move forward to 2nd base. The runner at 3rd stays there. However, if you continue to gamble at 2nd base and win, then both runners will progress. 
3rd Ex: You get to 1st base and there are runners on 2nd and 3rd (ie. bases are now loaded). You gamble and win. You move to 2nd, 2nd moves to 3rd and the runner on 3rd scores. 
4th Ex: No one is one base. You kick a double. You can start the gamble at second base. If you do not start it then and there you are no longer allowed to initiate a gamble on the following plays at 2nd base or when you get to 3rd base. 
Refs should be in charge of monitoring the RPS games so there are no conflicts. RSP will go 1-2-3-shoot. 

Every time we use this rule, people often forget about it. If you're team is losing it is an especially good tine to consider it. Take advantage of the rule guys!

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