Thursday, October 20, 2016

Week 6

Welcome to Week 6 everyone!

This week's wacky rule is:

Backwards base running - 3rd base is now 1st base, 2nd base is still 2nd base, and 1st base is third base. All runners must run clockwise around the bases.  If a runner runs counter-clockwise to start, they must run back to home plate before they can advance back the correct way.

It's an even week so bunting IS allowed and normal pitching rules apply.

As usual this season we will continue playing at the Poinsettia Rec Center.

Just a reminder that official start times are AT 6pm and AT 7pm. Each game gets a grace period of 15 minutes to start. Games should start NO LATER than 6:15 or 7:15. It is the responsibility of the captains and the referee's to make sure the games start on time. After the 0:50 mark (6:50 and 7:50) there should be no new innings but the inning you're in shall be completed. The innings should still be played to completion according to standard WAKA rules. The game does not officially end at 0:50. If the home team is behind and you have hit the 0:50 mark, they may get the last opportunity at bat to finish out the completed inning.  If they gain a lead in that time, it will be considered a walk off victory.  Any questions about that please let me know!

Just a heads up that next week will be our 2nd THEME WEEK.  The theme is "Halloween:  Frightful or Flirty."  Are you scary?  Are you sexy?  Maybe a strange mix of both?  The suspense just might KILL me, but it is that time of year isn't it?   *Que intense maniacal laugh*

Check out the SCHEDULE to see who you're playing and at what time.

HERE are your current standings with 1 team remaining undefeated, Balls Deep!

Duties and Assignments:
To the Field: Ball Of Duty
Take it home: Pitches Be Crazy

6pm Field 1(closest to Basketball court):  Sith Happens
6pm Field 2(on schedule it says Grass 1):  Pitches Be Crazy

7pm Field 1: Dumbledore's Army

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